Vaping – the latest updates you need to know

Work is continuing across Cheshire and Merseyside and beyond to ensure that the harmful impact of disposable vapes is minimised as much as possible.

Engaging with Chief Executives

Professor Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health for Liverpool, recently presented to Liverpool City Region’s Local Authority portfolio holders on the current evidence on vaping and what is happening locally and in the North West. The presentation was commended by portfolio holders, who are very supportive of this work. A special thanks goes to Ian Canning from Liverpool City Council for supporting Matt with producing the slides.

Getting our ducks in a row

The Association for Directors of Public Health is now considering its position on disposable vapes, and in a recent discussion paper cited Cheshire and Merseyside’s Directors of Public Health as an important and prominent influencer within those calling for a ban, alongside the Local Government Association, ASH Scotland and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Cracking down on retailers

Directors of Public Health also heard from Trading Standards North West at a recent System Leadership meeting on the vital work being carried out to ensure that illegal and harmful vapes are being removed from Cheshire and Merseyside’s retailers, and discussed wider policy objectives and opportunities for alignment.

Picking up pace across the UK

The desire to ban disposable vapes across the United Kingdom is gaining momentum, starting in Scotland where the minister for green skills, circular economy and biodiversity Lorna Slater has stated that a way forward on tacking the harmful impact of vapes will be set out this autumn.

Industry joining the cause

As well as work happening in the public sector, private companies and large events are now getting on board with this cause, with popular music festival Reading and Leeds banning disposable vapes for the first time ever. In a list of ‘can and can’t bring’ items, disposable vapes are listed as ‘can’t bring’, with the website stating that: “disposable vapes pollute the environment and incorrect disposal of these can be hazardous at waste centres.”

Reading and Leeds’ ban follows suit from the popular Glastonbury festival, which was held earlier this year and also banned disposable vapes, with a similar message to guests: “Do not bring disposable vapes. They pollute the environment and can be hazardous at waste centres.”

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