All Together Fairer


All Together Fairer is Cheshire and Merseyside’s collaborative approach to improving health equity and the social determinants of health in the subregion. The Programme brings together public, private and third sector organisations with one shared aim: build a fairer, healthier Cheshire and Merseyside. 

This work is informed by the country’s leading voice on health inequalities, Professor Sir Michael Marmot, thanks to an active and ongoing collaboration with his Institute of Health Equity (IHE). In 2022, Sir Michael and his team of researchers at the IHE published a landmark report, which sets out measurable actions for the subregion to meet this goal. 

Since then, All Together Fairer has expanded its reach by a considerable amount. The Programme has celebrated the launch of a physical activity strategy, a development platform, a large project to end smoking, and much more. All Together Fairer has also been embraced by the NHS in the subregion, with the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership using the Programme as the name and basis of its five-year plan.

This work is being coordinated by the Cheshire and Merseyside Population Health Partnership, which is currently chaired by Professor Ian Ashworth, Director of Population Health for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside. 

In Practice

Taking a Whole System Approach to physical activity, movement and sport in Cheshire and Merseyside

All Together Active is a whole-system programme and strategy to support Cheshire and Merseyside’s residents to be more physically active. Since this work started in 2022, a network of enthusiastic partners has steadily grown steadily, committed to the idea of seeing real change in the subregion’s outcomes.

Learn more.

The Life Rooms from Mersey Care

The Life Rooms is an innovative community centred service, and its main aim is to improve population health and is based on a social and preventative non-clinical approach that integrates public, private, voluntary and community sector services through the facilitation of existing and developing community-based assets.

Poverty Truth approach in Cheshire West and Chester

Cheshire West and Chester Council facilitated two Poverty Truth Commissions held in 2017 and 2020 with the aim of tackling the root causes of poverty and addressing gaps in services across the borough. Community Inspirers, volunteers with lived and living experience of poverty, shared their stories and the effect poverty had on them and their families.

Projects and Programmes

Child and Family Poverty

A rapid situational analysis on child and family poverty in Cheshire and Merseyside. 

This independent report has shone a light on the state of child poverty and solidified the urgent need for coordinated action across all partners in the subregion. 

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All Together Smokefree

A large project to help Cheshire and Merseyside meet the collective ambition to deliver a Smokefree 2030 in a way that is fair and equitable for our adult population and creates a tobacco free future for every child.

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All Together Inspired

A dedicated programme to help Cheshire and Merseyside’s public, private and third sectors learn more about improving health equity and the social determinants of health, develop as leaders in this area, and inspire themselves and others to make a positive impact in the subregion.

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All Together Active

A system-wide strategy to support 150,000 inactive people across Cheshire and Merseyside to be more active by 2026, developed by MSP and Active Cheshire in conjunction with place based and regional partners.

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All Together Smiling

A supervised toothbrushing programme to help reduce the need for dental treatment in the subregion’s most deprived areas.

All Together Sustainably

Creating the opportunities for a sustainable and healthy NHS, workforce and planet.

All Together Sustainably encompasses the subregion’s Green Plan, approach to Social Value, NHS Prevention Pledge programme, Anchor Institution framework, and more.

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The NHS Prevention Pledge

The NHS Prevention Pledge is a framework developed for NHS provider trusts that is underpinned by 14 ‘core commitments’ promoting healthier settings (in particular those promoting physical activity, healthier catering, tobacco-free environments), social value and wider ‘anchor practices’, workforce development, MECC, quality assurance, workplace wellbeing, and health inequalities.

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All Together Fairer is coordinated by the Cheshire and Merseyside Population Health Partnership, currently chaired by Professor Ian Ashworth, Director of Population Health for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, on behalf of the subregion’s Directors of Public Health. Read more about Ian here. 

This work is overseen by Cheshire and Merseyside’s All Together Fairer Board and day-to-day operations are led by the Cheshire and Merseyside All Together Fairer Leads Group.

All Together Fairer also works with the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership, the Beyond Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme, C&M Smokefree Commissioners, and more.  

More information

The Strategic Lead for All Together Fairer in the Champs Support Team is Alan Higgins. 

The Programme Manager in the Champs Support Team for All Together Fairer is Louise Vernon. You can contact Louise by emailing 

The Public Health Practitioner in the Champs Support Team for All Together Fairer is Hannah Sharp. You can contact Hannah by emailing 

Read the latest All Together Fairer news here and watch our previous events back here.