All Together Smokefree

The vision

Nationally, there is an ambition is to create a smoke free generation, where fewer than 5% of people smoke across all demographic groupings within society by 2030.

Cheshire and Merseyside’s collective ambition is to deliver a Smokefree 2030 in a way that is fair and equitable for our adult population and a tobacco free future for every child. Radically reducing smoking remains the single greatest opportunity to reduce health inequalities and improve healthy life expectancy.

Why is it important?

  • Smoking is the single leading cause of preventable death and is responsible for at least half of the difference in life expectancy between the least and most deprived in our sub region.
  • Smoking is a cause of 16 cancers, diabetes, dementia and accounts for two-thirds of the difference in life expectancy in people with a serious mental illness.
  • There are currently 237, 000 smokers in Cheshire and Merseyside. Two in three of these smokers will die unless they quit, losing on average 10 years of life and 20 years for those smokers with serious mental illness.

What are we doing?

Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health (DsPH) Board commissioned a situational analysis in March 2023 to understand effective approaches to reducing smoking prevalence across the sub-region.

Following this analysis the aim is to develop a Strategic Framework and Implementation plan with the whole system, building on local place plans to take action in reducing smoking prevalence. The framework will also use the latest evidence from the WHO MPOWER framework, and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) principles for developing a system-wide tobacco control programme.


DPH Lead

Sarah McNulty, Director of Public Health for Knowsley and Lead Director of Public Health for Smokefree Cheshire and Merseyside

More information


Champs Support Team leadership for this programme is:

Andrea Crossfield, Population Health and Policy Consultant on behalf of Champs Support Team

Louise Vernon, Programme Manager for Smokefree Cheshire and Merseyside

For more information please email