Following on from the publication of ‘Looking back – 2022/23’, the Champs Public Health Collaborative’s end of year report highlights brief for the 2022-23 financial year, we are pleased to share details of some of our key priorities for the year ahead.
By 31st March 2024, Champs Directors of Public Health (DsPH) supported by their Local Authority teams and facilitated by the Champs Support Team hosted by Wirral Council, will:
Reduce health inequalities through our All Together Fairer programme
- We will deliver a new ‘All Together Inspired’ development programme on the social determinants of health, developing knowledge and skills of system colleagues through a series of masterclasses with the Marmot team and a new online hub.
- We will develop an innovative ’Anchors at scale’ programme in collaboration with the Cheshire and Merseyside Health Care Partnership (HCP).
Improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicides
- We will focus on the key priorities of Domestic Abuse, Children and Young People and Self-Harm through the delivery of the new Cheshire and Merseyside Suicide Prevention Board Action Plan and host a conference for partners on World Suicide Prevention Day.
Tackle Alcohol Harm with hard-to-reach communities
- We will work with system partners to deliver brief advice training and special liver scans (a non-invasive imaging test called Fibroscan) to housing associations and probation services to increase early detection and intervention for alcohol-related liver disease with hard-to-reach communities.
- We will work to maximise bed placements for people needing inpatient detoxification from drugs and alcohol through a collaborative commissioning consortia.
Protect communities through our Health Protection programme
- We will deliver a measles tabletop exercise in collaboration with the NHS and UKSHA to test the Northwest Plan and strategically plan to protect the health of migrant communities.
Deliver new C&M Workforce Wellbeing and Development programme
- We will deliver a pilot on public health workforce wellbeing and a wealth of development opportunities on wide ranging themes including tackling health inequalities, Health Protection, Research and Development and more.
Celebrate 20 years of collaboration and deliver behaviour-change campaigns
- We will celebrate 20 years of the Collaborative with a special event, considering the future of public health with speakers from the Kings Fund, Association Directors of Public Health and Faculty of Public Health Presidents.
- We will continue to deliver innovative behaviour-change campaigns focusing on health protection, mental wellbeing and alcohol.
Use Strategic Intelligence to inform our programmes and system
- We will develop an approach with the ICS that enables us as a system to monitor population health outcomes across Cheshire and Merseyside and ensure programmes are in line with the most significant health and wellbeing challenges.
For further information about our work and programme areas, please visit