Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital reach out to the local community for heart and lung project

Improving population health is a core strategic objective for Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital (LHCH), focusing on cardiovascular disease (CVD) Prevention. Participation and adoption of the NHS Prevention Pledge signifies LHCH’s commitment to embedding prevention workstreams into business as usual within the Trust.

The Liverpool Healthy Families Heart and Lung project was developed with a focus on reducing the incidence of CVD beyond the hospital setting, reaching out to the local population.

The project was introduced in pilot form in 2022 and saw multi-partnership working between LHCH, Heart Research UK (HRUK), Liverpool Football Club (LFC) Foundation and local Primary Care Networks (PCN’s). It took a whole family approach to deliver education, physical activity and primary prevention over the course of a week to local primary schools in Liverpool.

Key Stage 2 children were engaged in an educational programme developed by HRUK, consisting of four lessons covering heart and circulatory system specification points on KS2 national school’s curriculum.

The lessons involved virtual reality (VR) headsets and computer games to reinforce learning and were delivered throughout the week. Children were assessed for basic knowledge of the heart pre and post lessons to evaluate attainment.

LFC Foundation and their All-Stars Project have supported, as part of their health and wellbeing agenda, physical activity sessions led by a health coordinator to year six classes participating in the project.

LHCH also provided adults with an opportunistic diagnostic session, led by the Strategic Partnerships Team. Cholesterol, blood pressure (BP), manual pulse checks and BMI calculations were provided coupled with advice and support regarding healthy lifestyles to teachers, parents, and carers at the school.

Local PCNs have supported, including the provision of Healthcare Coordinators who were able to:

  • Register those attendees who are not registered with a GP to a practice that was readily accessible to them.
  • Input vital signs of attenders direct into their EMIS patient records and arranging follow-up appointments if required.
  • Support the LHCH team with lifestyle advice and guidance provision to attendees.

To date there has been a total of 173 attenders receiving a mini health MOT. To read the full case study, click here

For further information, contact Katie Fitzsimmons