The Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M) Directors of Public Health (DsPH) currently meet fortnightly. The key messages from the 24 June meeting are as follows:
- All Together Fairer – The DsPH were joined by Dr Tammy Boyce of the Marmot team and Alan Higgins who is providing part time strategic leadership on the Marmot programme. The next steps following the launch of the All Together Fairer report were discussed which include integrating the recommendations in the new ICS Strategy and local plans, establishing a community of practice with learning opportunities on the social determinants of health and sharing best practice. Alan Higgins is currently carrying out a system assessment and will present the findings to DsPH at a future meeting.
- Oral health update – Helen Parsley from NHS England updated DsPH on progress on the oral health survey for 5 year olds which is nearly complete with good compliance across the patch. DsPH were asked to consider commissioning a survey of 10-11 year olds which would commence in September/October this year. The surveys allow DsPH to better understand any issues with oral health in their area and target interventions as appropriate.
- UKHSA update – Monkeypox and Covid are the top two priorities. Polio has been detected in London sewerage samples and GPs asked to routinely vaccinate those not up to date with their vaccination. Omicron BA4 and BA5 are driving current Covid infections. Some cases of measles are being seen and steps are being taken to increase the uptake of the MMR vaccine.
- Good news and gratitude:
- Dr Sam Ghebrehewet attended the DsPH call for UKHSA and the DsPH expressed their congratulations to Sam on being awarded the ‘FPH President’s Medal for outstanding contribution to public health’. Sam advised that he was happy to accept the award on behalf of all of those who have been involved in the pandemic response.
- The DsPH expressed their congratulations to Julie Kelly on her appointment to the role of Interim Regional Director of Primary Care and Public Health Commissioning in NHS England North West.
- The ICS Consultant in Population Health vacancy has been advertised with a closing date of 7th July 2022 – applications can be made here
- Several Cheshire and Merseyside local authorities have been nominated for an MJ award, congratulations to all those shortlisted.
- Sheila Paul has been appointed as a new Consultant in Public Health in Warrington.
- There was a successful Population Health board meeting held on 16th June with updates on the Marmot programme, the development of the Physical Activity strategy and the NHS Prevention Pledge to which 8 trusts have now signed up. Updates from System P and the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) were also provided.