The Health Equity Collaborative which is an innovative partnership bringing together the children’s charity Barnardo’s, the University College London (UCL) Institute for Health Equity and integrated care systems including Cheshire and Merseyside ICS is working with children and young people to tackle physical and mental health inequalities.
This first of its kind programme, which is sponsored by Barnardo’s for a three-year period has already met with over 300 children and young people to start hearing their voices, listen to what they have to say and find out what changes they think are needed to support their health and wellbeing.
In February this year, the Collaborative will launch a new Children and Young People’s Equity Framework. This will use regional data and insight to develop actions which will help people overcome the societal barriers which can hinder good physical and mental health.
The Framework is being developed with the input of children and young people gained through face-to-face workshops and digital communication channels so that they can have a say on the issues which matter the most to them.
Find out more by reading the first edition of the Collaborative’s newsletter here and watching a video with some of the young people involved in the programme here.