Future proofing the Health and Justice nursing workforce: Attracting new nurses to Health & Justice

  • Date 9th November 2022
  • Start time 2:00 pm
  • Finish time 3:30 pm
  • Venue/Location Online
Booking closed

NHS England’s Health and Justice Inclusive Workforce Programme has been working with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and Health Education England (HEE) to understand all aspects of the student nurse prison healthcare placements process and jointly produce best practice guidance (in the form of an online resource). This will provide information for all stakeholders involved in student nurse placements: universities, adult prison healthcare providers and student nurses. series of Virtual reality scenario’s (filmed in adult prison healthcare settings) have also been developed to assist with student nurse learning experiences in adult prison healthcare settings.

This event will provide as a launch for the student placement online resource and nursing preceptorship best practice guidance, as well as launch of the student nurse virtual reality clinical simulations.