A one-day conference exclusively for members of the Health Equity Network giving delegates the opportunity to engage with each other and to hear input from and discussion between, leaders in the field of health equity.
Speakers include Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Director at the Institute of Health Equity and Professor Dr Kevin Fenton, Regional Director for London in the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and President of the Faculty of Public Health.
Live streaming of the panel discussion on ‘Growing A Movement for Health Equity’ will be live streamed on the IHE YouTube channel – Marmot Review – YouTube. from 11.30am to 12.45pm on the 5th October. On the day there will be a further link on that page to the live feed from the conference.
Speakers will include Sir Michael Marmot, Professor Bola Owolabi, Professor Kevin Fenton and Mr Pete Gladwell. Viewers will be able to submit questions and comments through the chat facility and some will be selected to feed into the discussion.