We are pleased to report that an evaluation of the local pilot programme for preventative health checks across Cheshire and Merseyside has resulted in an increase in uptake of over 600% among priority groups.
The NHS Health Checks, which were funded by the NHSE Prevention Programme and Core20PLUS5, enabled local pilots to explore innovative solutions to increase the uptake of preventative health checks (NHS Health Checks and Annual Physical Health Checks for patients with Severe Mental Illness (SMI)) in groups with higher levels of CVD mortality but lower levels of engagement.
Priority groups included people living in the 20% most deprived areas, minority ethnic groups, working age men, people living with drug and alcohol dependencies and SMI patients. The health check covered a person’s blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, smoking status, CVD risk scores, physical activity, family history, diabetes, alcohol consumption, diet, and resulted in tailored lifestyle advice and referral.
The evaluation was submitted as part of the NHS England Major Conditions Strategy call for evidence. Findings and recommendations are being shared and discussed with a variety of local, sub-regional, regional and national colleagues to consider how best practice and learning can now be built on and scaled up into business as usual.
Read the full case study along with next steps here