The Champs Public Health Collaborative and Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership have set the ambitious aim to support 150,000 of the subregion’s most inactive residents become more physically active by 2026.
Why is this important?
In 2019, the country’s Chief Medical Officer said: “if physical activity was a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat”.
Many people don’t realise that physical activity has significant benefits for health, both physical and mental, and can help to prevent and manage over 20 chronic conditions and diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.
What is being done
Cheshire and Merseyside’s Population Health Board has commissioned the two Active Partnerships in the subregion, Active Cheshire and MSP, to develop a new strategy to develop a new strategy to increase levels of physical activity.
The strategy – All Together Active – has been produced following an intensive consultation period with partners from across the public, private and third sector and will set out a number of approaches and initiatives to increase activity levels and create momentum and energy to ensure this goal is met.
The strategy has also been developed with health inequalities and the subregion’s All Together Fairer report from Professor Sir Michael Marmot in mind. The strategy will be officially launched at this event and will include a range of speakers and case studies to bring the strategy to life.
Who is invited?
This event is open to anyone working across the public, private and third sector in Cheshire and Merseyside who has a specific interest in health inequalities and the health and wellbeing of the subregion’s residents.