Training opportunities – NHS Health Checks and Core20PLUS5

Each month, the Collaborative will be highlighting workforce development opportunities on key population health themes as part of our workforce development programme.

This month we have two themes to look at – training opportunities for NHS Health Checks and Core20PLUS5.

The Collaborative envision a future where people living in Cheshire and Merseyside are given the tools, knowledge, and resources to live happy, healthy, long lives.

We want to see lower rates of deaths and serious injury from alcohol harm, smoking, strokes, heart attacks, suicides, lack of physical activity, poor diet, and more. We also aim to eradicate health inequalities, which strip people of their chance to support their health and wellbeing, and we want to see an increase in life expectancy beyond the national average. Life expectancy in the subregion is lower for both men and women when compared to the national average.

Core20PLUS5 – is an approach to reducing health inequalities

Core20PLUS5 is a national NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level. The approach defines a target population cohort – the ‘Core20PLUS’ – and identifies five focus clinical areas requiring accelerated improvement.


The most deprived 20% of the national population as identified by the national Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD). The IMD has seven domains with indicators accounting for a wide range of social determinants of health.


PLUS population groups we would expect to see identified are ethnic minority communities; inclusion health groups; people with learning disabilities and/or autism; coastal communities with pockets of deprivation hidden amongst relative affluence; people with multi-morbidities; and protected characteristic groups; amongst others.

Inclusion health groups include people experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol dependence, vulnerable migrants, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, sex workers, people in contact with the justice system, victims of modern slavery and other socially excluded groups.


The final part sets out five clinical areas of focus. Governance for these five focus areas sits with national programmes; national and regional teams coordinate local systems to achieve national aims.

  1. Maternity: ensuring continuity of care for 75% of women from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and from the most deprived groups.
  2. Severe mental illness (SMI): ensuring annual health checks for 60% of those living with SMI (bringing SMI in line with the success seen in learning disabilities).
  3. Chronic respiratory disease: a clear focus on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) driving up uptake of COVID, flu and pneumonia vaccines to reduce infective exacerbations and emergency hospital admissions due to those exacerbations.
  4. Early cancer diagnosis: 75% of cases diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 by 2028.
  5. Hypertension case-finding and optimal management and lipid optimal management: to allow for interventions to optimise blood pressure and minimise the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Below are some learning streams that support the Core20PLUS5 agenda

The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways to lower this risk.

The e-learning programme includes two parts, which have been developed to support the delivery of NHS Health Checks, available for people aged 40 to 74 years in England, without pre-existing cardiovascular disease.

Learners can explore a variety of resources from the NHS Health Check training hub presented as a townscape and an NHS Health Check video-based learning resource is also available. Primarily aimed at health trainers, pharmacy staff, health care assistants, anyone involved in the delivery of the NHS Health Check programme will find this programme useful.

Follow this link to find the e-learning programme for NHS Health Checks – NHS Health Check

If you would like more information, please contact Steve Peters, Programme Manager for Cheshire and Merseyside Population Health Workforce Development via