Hosted by The King’s Fund. The case for addressing poverty, its root causes and associated health inequalities is urgent and overwhelming. The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the harm caused by deprivation, and the cost-of-living crisis is likely to hit the poorest the hardest – leading to poorer health and lower social mobility.
At this event, leaders across the NHS, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, and those with lived experience will share learning on the role of the health and care sector in tackling the root causes of poverty.
The event will provide practical examples on how the health and care sector can effectively engage with partners across local government, the VCSE sector and business, to achieve meaningful progress on poverty and deliver services to the most excluded in society. You will hear about the role of NHS organisations as ‘anchor institutions’ and discuss how health and care organisations should use their influence and resources to poverty-proof services, address inequalities, and benefit the communities they serve.