Supporting the wellbeing of our public health workforce

Champs Directors of Public Health commissioned a Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Workforce Wellbeing Pilot. 

Following post-pandemic concerns about staff, the purpose of the pilot was to understand the current status of staff wellbeing, what is already in place to support staff, share good practice and identify what additional support may be required. Directors also wanted to share any learning with system partners.

The pilot included all nine Local Authority Public Health Teams, with 99 respondents to questionnaires and one focus group. The areas covered included wellbeing and public health, wellbeing at work, COVID-19, wellbeing resources, development needs and demographic data.

The pilot summary report and presentation include all the key findings, themes and next steps, including a brand new ‘Kind to your Mind website’ coming soon, along with new coaching and mentoring training initiatives. You can also see the full webinar presentation below via YouTube.

The C&M Public Health Workforce Wellbeing and Development group welcome any feedback on the report and recommendations and would like to sincerely thank all those who contributed to the pilot.

See more on the vision and work of our Workforce and Development Programme here