An online webinar hosted by Public Policy Exchange.
Learning outcomes:
- Examine the existing legislative and policy framework for national smoking cessation and prevention and make recommendations for a new post-2022Tobacco Control Plan
- Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the government’s ambition to make the UK smokefree
- Analyse how to develop a multifaceted smokefree strategy for local areas, involving the council, schools, NHS, employers, emergency services and local retailers
- Consider how to design and deploy a multi-channel approach to reduce smoking rates within the poorest communities
- Determine how to combat and minimise the supply of counterfeit and contraband cigarettes through Community Safety Partnerships
- Assess how schools and colleges can effectively communicate the dangers of smoking to pupils to minimise uptake
- Discuss what more the government and NHS can do to support people with nicotine addiction and tobacco dependency to quit smoking, including looking at innovative treatments
- Learn how to make more imaginative use of social and digital communications to target and educate specific communities and audiences about the dangers of smoking
- Explore how to engage with local employers to develop and disseminate smoke cessation programs in workplaces
- Identify methods for working with local retailers to uphold legislation prohibiting the under-age sale of tobacco