As of 10th February 2021, 3,985,161 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK (pillar 1 and 2) and there have been 114,851 deaths. Further information on the data is available here:
- Government to introduce tougher measures and enforcement rules for quarantined passengers Tough new enforcement measures – from fixed penalty notices to imprisonment – will come into force on Monday 15 February. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Thousands more NHS patients to get life-saving COVID-19 treatment Thousands more NHS patients who are hospitalised due to COVID-19 will be able to receive the life-saving treatment tocilizumab, the government has announced. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Weekly national flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports published National influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring coronavirus (COVID-19) activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses. Updated 11 February 2021.
- A record 3 million people tested by NHS Test and Trace this reporting week More than 3 million people were tested by NHS Test and Trace this reporting week, the highest number ever in a single week. Updated 11 February 2021.
- National Apprenticeship Week 2021: building back better with apprentices Government highlights apprentices and employers across the UK who have been keeping the country running during the pandemic. Updated 11 February 2021.
- New Commissioner appointed to oversee education catch-up Prime Minister and the Education Secretary appoint Sir Kevan Collins as Education Recovery Commissioner. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Prime Minister’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 10 February 2021 Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a statement at the coronavirus press conference. Updated 10 February.
- PHE statement on Variant of Concern and new Variant Under Investigation NERVTAG has named one additional SARS-CoV-2 Variant Under Investigation and one additional Variant of Concern. Updated 10 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): notification to organisations to share information Notification to healthcare organisations, GPs, local authorities and arm’s length bodies that they should share information to support efforts against coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated 10 February 2021.
- 9 in 10 local authorities in England now enrolled into community testing Rapid, regular testing for people without symptoms is now being offered by more than 70% of local authorities in England, through targeted community programmes. Updated 9 February 2021.
Data updates to Surveillance, Reports and Dashboard
- The Rὺm Model technical annex Assessing the impact of test, trace and isolate parameters on COVID-19 transmission in an October like environment. Updated 11 February 2021.
- HMCTS weekly management information during coronavirus – March 2020 to January 2021 2020 The weekly management information used by HMCTS for understanding workload volumes and timeliness at a national level during coronavirus (COVID-19), March 2020 to January 2021. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions A weekly report covering adverse reactions to approved COVID-19 vaccines. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Updated estimates of coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by disability status, England: 24 January to 20 November 2020 Estimates of differences in COVID-19 mortality risk by self-reported disability status and diagnosed learning disability status for deaths occurring up to 20 November 2020, using linked data from the 2011 Census, death registrations, and primary care and hospital records. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus and the latest indicators for the UK economy and society: 11 February 2021 Early experimental data on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and experimental methods. Published 11 February 2021.
- COVID-19: reported SARS-CoV-2 deaths in England Monthly report presenting the latest data on COVID-19 mortality in England in people with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2. Updated 10 February 2021.
- Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic To monitor the use of the transport system during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. DfT provides statistics on transport use by mode. Updates 10 February 2021.
- Weekly Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Deliveries, Northern Ireland: Week ending 6th March to week ending 29th January 2021 Experimental statistics showing the latest number of personal protective equipment (PPE) items distributed for use by health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Updated 10 February 2021.
- COVID-19 variants: genomically confirmed case numbers Genomically confirmed case numbers for SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation. Updated 9 February 2021.
Information, advice and guidance
- Testing for coronavirus at home How to use your coronavirus (COVID-19) home test kit. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Understanding lateral flow antigen testing for people without symptoms An explanation of the technology behind asymptomatic testing and the role these tests play in the national COVID-19 testing programme. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Test and Trace Support Payment scheme privacy notice Information on how and why personal data may be used in the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Types and uses of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests Guidance on the different types of coronavirus test available. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Get a test for coronavirus (COVID-19) if you do not have symptoms Find out how to get tested when you do not have symptoms. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Test to Release for international travel Pay for a COVID-19 test to find out if you can reduce your self-isolation period after international travel. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer air travel for passengers How to travel safely in airports and on aircraft during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel bans to the UK Countries from which entry to the UK is banned – ‘red list’ countries. Updated 11 February.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors All travel corridors for people arriving in England are suspended. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing before you travel to England You must have proof of a negative COVID-19 test to travel to England from abroad. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): General Aviation Guidance on General Aviation (GA) flying during the coronavirus outbreak. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Booking and staying in a quarantine hotel when you arrive in England How to book a place in a quarantine hotel and arrange coronavirus (COVID-19) tests if you’re travelling to England from a country on the banned travel list. Updated 11 February 2021.
- How to quarantine when you arrive in England What to do before and after you arrive in England, including staying at home and ordering coronavirus (COVID-19) tests. Updated 11 February 2021.
- NHS Test and Trace statistics (England): methodology How the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) puts together the contact-tracing data in its weekly reports. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Higher education providers: coronavirus (COVID-19) Information on the return of students and NHS Test and Trace channels. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): initial teacher training (ITT) Information for providers about managing initial teacher training courses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): keeping children safe online Advice and guidance to help parents and carers to keep children safe online during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Updated 11 February 2021.
- NHS COVID-19 app: privacy information Privacy notice and data protection impact assessment for the NHS COVID-19 mobile app. Updated 11 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): jobs that qualify for travel exemptions Jobs that qualify for exemptions from self-isolation, passenger locator form or COVID testing requirements. Updated 11 February.
- Exceptional financial support for local authorities: capitalisation directions Details of capitalisation directions granted to local authorities that have requested exceptional financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated 10 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): emergency funding for local government in 2020 to 2021 and additional support in 2021 to 2022 Allocations of additional funding to local authorities in financial year 2020 to 2021 and additional support for local government in financial year 2021 to 2022. 10 February 2021.
- Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) Find out how to make your workplace COVID-secure. Updated 10 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested Guidance on coronavirus testing, including who is eligible for a test and how to get tested. 10 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): temporary measures to support customers How we are delivering our services during the coronavirus outbreak. Updated 10 February 2021.
- COVID-19: background information Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features. Updated 10 February 2021.
- Private providers of coronavirus testing Lists of and information about approved suppliers of private testing kits for coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated 10 February.
- Surge testing for new coronavirus (COVID-19) variants How ‘surge testing’ and genomic sequencing is being used in locations in England where COVID-19 variants have been identified. Updated 10 February.
- Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for British people travelling overseas during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, if they are legally permitted to travel internationally. Updated 9 February.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers A list of local contacts for providers who are not on the PPE portal. Providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum. Updated 9 February.
- HMCTS weekly operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak This page provides a weekly summary of the HM Courts and Tribunals Service operational position during the coronavirus pandemic. We will aim to update this every Friday at 5pm. Updated 9 February 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): how to self-isolate when you travel to England Information on how to self-isolate, which you must now do when arriving in England. Updated 9 February 2021.
- PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated 9 February.
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