NHS Prevention Pledge Summit

  • Date 15th October 2024
  • Start time 12:15 am
  • Finish time 4:30 pm
  • Venue/Location The Halliwell Jones Stadium
    Mike Gregory Way
    WA2 7NE
Booking closed

Event Chair:

Prof. Ian Ashworth, Director of Population Health, NHS Cheshire & Merseyside

Keynote Speakers:

Matthew Fagg, Director for Prevention and Long-Term Conditions, NHS England

Dr Andrew Furber, Regional Director of Public Health (North West) OHID, DHSC and NHSE

About the event: 

This in-person event will bring together Cheshire and Merseyside’s 17 provider trusts and key stakeholders from across the system to celebrate the successes and learning to date in the roll out of the NHS Prevention Pledge to both trusts and primary care networks (PCNs).

The event will have a strong focus on how trusts are embedding upstream, preventative actions into governance structures and operations, and how trusts are taking a data-led approach to addressing health inequalities, often through work with partners at Place. Delegates will also hear from primary care networks in Cheshire and Merseyside who are involved in a new pilot programme for the NHS Prevention Pledge which is being delivered over 2024-25.

In addition to profiling the work of local organisations, the event will also feature keynote presentations from senior representatives working on the prevention agenda at national, regional and sub-regional levels.

Over the course of the afternoon, trusts and PCNs will present examples of good practice to emerge through implementation of the programme, some of which has been achieved in partnership with workstreams from the C&M Population Health Programme. As such, the event will be of interest to Place Directors, Directors of Public Health, VCFSE leads and local authority leads from the All Together Fairer Marmot programme for C&M.

About the NHS Prevention Pledge: 

The NHS Prevention Pledge is a key workstream within the C&M ICB’s Population Health Programme, with roll out of the Pledge supported by public health charity, Health Equalities Group. The Pledge is currently being adopted by all 17 provider trusts across the sub-region, and provides trusts with a framework to address and measure impact on the following themes: prevention of physical and mental ill health; social value and anchor institutions; health inequalities; staff health & wellbeing; MECC; quality improvement; and, working with partners at place to prevent readmission. A new primary care pilot programme for the NHS Prevention Pledge is also being delivered with five PCNs over 2024-25.

A full agenda for the event will be published in early September.

Please note that owing to the venue size, attendance at this event is invitation only and we would kindly ask invited guests to register by Friday 20th September at the very latest – many thanks in advance.

For any enquires, please contact Matthew Philpott from Health Equalities Group at: matthew.philpott@heg.org.uk

For further details on the NHS Prevention Pledge, please visit: www.preventionpledge.org.uk