Following on from hugely successful 2021-2023, NHS Long Term Plan and Integrated Care Systems conferences, Govconnect have announced the merger of these conferences.
The conference will provide a focus on the pivotal issues concerning the future strategies of both LTP & ICS and incorporate key elements of the “Major Conditions Strategy” currently being developed.
This major conditions strategy theme within the conference begins with one question: how should our approach to health and care delivery evolve to improve outcomes and better meet the needs of our population, which is becoming older and living with multimorbidity? With varying groups of conditions being explored in our plenaries and workshop sessions: cancers, cardiovascular disease (CVD) (including stroke and diabetes), mental ill health, and chronic respiratory disease.
There are signs of positivity with exciting new technologies and sources of data that enable staff to better see and treat disease at an earlier stage.The conference and its dedicated plenaries, evidence-based case studies and educational workshops will explore how to supercharge this agenda. Amongst the core themes will be the exploration of the potential of AI and technology to deliver digital transformations, and position the UK as a world leader in virtual health and social care. As such topics such as Virtual Wards, Remote Patient and Whole Patient Management systems will be at the forefront of certain plenaries.
Also underpinning the conferences focus are the strong desires to tackle health disparities and promoting inclusion in health, as articulated through the NHS Core20PLUS5 framework, and detailed by senior host speakers on the day.