New toolkit launched to support community organisations talk about cancer

Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance has launched a new toolkit to support community groups and organisations give the public the right information about cancer.

Action on Cancer ToolkitThe ‘Action on Cancer’ resource has been produced from successful awareness-raising initiatives to give groups advice, tips, information, help and support.

The toolkit will help community organisers to achieve three primary objectives:

  • Promote, encourage and empower people to have healthier lifestyles
  • Increase early diagnosis of cancers through screening programmes
  • Empower patients to recognise possible early signs and symptoms of cancer and take timely action

Responsible for leading the local delivery of the national cancer strategy, the Alliance brings together organisations, patients and others affected by cancer to drive improvements in clinical outcomes and patients’ experience of the care and treatment they receive.

Tracey Wright, Associate Director, Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance, said:

“The Action on Cancer Toolkit is an extremely useful resource for community organisers who want to inform people in their area about cancer – and ultimately to create better outcomes for people who develop it.

“The toolkit provides the necessary background knowledge on how to create and sustain campaigns at a grassroots level and has a large number of resources which can help.

“The Alliance is extremely grateful to the AoC team which has helped us to produce this. Hopefully, it will allow groups across Cheshire and Merseyside to replicate the AoC team’s success with community engagement.”

To find out more about the Toolkit and download a copy, click here.