Led by Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) and Health Education England (HEE), the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) for Mental Health programme aims to up-skill frontline staff across the North West of England to integrate mental health promotion into routine practice through training, support and networking opportunities.
This event is for organisations interested in mental health promotion training within their primary and community care services/settings and would like to learn about how this programme can help. As such, the session will include a brief around the core training content, the learning materials and resources, the evaluation, and an opportunity to hear about how other areas are rolling out this training.
We are seeking to recruit x2 Lead Trainers and up to 14 Trainers within primary and community care organisations across Cheshire and Merseyside. The project offer includes RSPH membership, Training, ongoing support and a training grant (£1000 for Lead Trainers and £200 for Trainers) to help organisations with the costs of upskilling their nominees to deliver this training. Further information can be found here.
View the recording of the event below.