New Kind to Your Mind website launches!

Built exclusively to support people living and working in Cheshire and Merseyside with their mental health and wellbeing, the Kind to Your mind website gives access to a range of mental health and wellbeing services and resources including tips, advice, apps and online courses.

In partnership with the NHS and working with councils and partners across Cheshire and Merseyside, the Collaborative has developed the website as the ‘one front door’ to mental health and wellbeing support across the subregion.

Through the website, users are able to access urgent helplines or create their own personalised support plans by answering tailored questions and receiving recommended support services for their specific needs.

The site is now live and can be accessed via

How you can help

Our Phase 1 stakeholder toolkit contains graphics and suggested wording that can be for social media channels, a flyer that can be printed and shared, banners for websites and a PowerPoint presentation that can be delivered to staff teams and networks.

  • We need everyone with a voice to share the website – – with others in their field and network. 
  • By sharing the website, you can help connect people who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing with organisations and services that can help them. 
  • You can do it online via social media, through an organisation’s channels such as e-newsletters and intranets, or face-to-face. 
  • We have created resources to help you spread the message. These can be downloaded from our website via Download Partner Toolkit

The launch of the Kind to Your Mind website will be supported by a paid-for advertising campaign on social media, radio and digital screens, flyers and posters in community settings.

Please send any queries over the campaign to and we thank you for any efforts to support the campaign!