Key messages from the Population Health Board held on 7th April 2022 are as follows:
- Update on the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System – Raj Jain will be joining the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership as Chair, working with recently appointed CEO, Graham Urwin. The Board thanked Sarah O’Brien, who was the Partnership’s Executive Director of Strategy and System Development and Population Health Lead, as she takes up a new role in Cumbria and Lancashire. The Board is keen to work with Graham and Raj to ensure that Population Health remains at the front-and-centre of the Partnership’s work and the programmes it develops, and is particularly keen to see the success of NHSCore20PLUS5 and how we compliment that with our establishing Health Equity programme.
- Mental Health Concordat for Cheshire and Merseyside – The Concordat for Better Mental Health will provide a framework for the entire system to work towards improving mental health outcomes for local people and will maximise energy and motivation in the system by ensuring that local organisations sign up to the Concordat’s consensus statement, which focuses on the need to “increase the focus on prevention and the wider determinants of mental health”. An action plan is being developed, working closely with the Mental Health Board, which colleagues will have a chance to provide feedback on and will then be submitted to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities for approval.
- CIPHA update – The CIPHA Programme has successfully launched numerous new updates to the platform, including elective waiting list stratification reports, System P analytics, a CVD dashboard, reporting for Long COVID, amongst others. The Programme is also looking at opportunities to share anonymised CIPHA data for research purposes, as well as sharing data with Personal Health Records platforms.
- Marmot Community – Prof. Sir Michael Marmot’s team at the Institute for Health Equity have submitted their recommendations for the subregion’s ‘Build Back Fairer’ report, which are broken down by system-level and place-level. The final report with these recommendations will be published in May to coincide with an event, held by the Champs Public Health Collaborative, which will include a keynote address from Sir Michael. If you haven’t signed up already, you can do so here. Some of the immediate priorities for this financial year include training to system leaders, developing a fair employment charter for the real living wage, increased sign ups to the NHS Prevention Pledge, data recording, increasing capacity and more.
- Prevention Pledge – This Programme is working towards its aim of having as many NHS organisations signed up the NHS Prevention Pledge as possible. A number of priority Trusts have been identified and are being supported to take up the Pledge. As well as this, a Community of Practice was launched in February to share learning and best practice, and the Programme has been carrying out workplace meetings at Trusts to identify any other support that can be offered.
- Physical Activity – Merseyside Sports Partnership and Active Cheshire are currently at the consultation and engagement phase of developing the subregion’s physical activity strategy. This will be followed by place-based research before the launch of the strategic plan. The next steps will be to then form delivery plans and set out the actions to ensure these plans are a success. You can find out more about the development of this strategy here.
- Alcohol Harm Reduction
- The Early Identification of co-occurring Alcohol and Mental Health disorders project had a soft launch in March and is the first pilot to begin the screening stage.
- A report on the second phase of PROACT has been produced, citing positive feedback from ACT nurses.
- The Citizens Inquiry on Alcohol Harm report has been completed and views will be taken into account on future plans
- A Competencies Framework Programme for Alcohol Care Teams Clinical Network Event was held on 8th April and will mark achievements to sate, provide networking opportunities, share learning and allow input from the subregion’s ACT community on how to shape future priorities
- Blue Light Pilot training has been delivered to 150 frontline Merseyside Police Officers and homeless charity staff, with a more extensive train-the-trainer package for up to 10 staff
8. Health Inequality – elective recovery work and digital health coaching programme – The Elective Recovery and Transformation programme has formed a Health Inequalities group to ensure that those who are waiting for procedures are not left behind and those who need to be seen sooner are receiving care as soon as possible. The group is also using CIPHA data to look at risk across protected characteristics and is piloting a Programme with Sapien healthcare to look at health coaching via an app for those at highest risk of poor outcomes from their surgery. The Population Health Board were very supportive of the approach agreed a number of supporting actions to help align local preventative health optimisation work.
9. Communications
- Marmot Community – The Collaborative’s event to launch the Marmot report and strategy has nearly 300 sign ups so far. As part of this event, a brand for this Programme is being created that will serve as a ‘badge’ for partners to use on communications materials and will be owned by the entire system across the subregion. Video case studies are also being professionally filmed to showcase the positive impacts working as a Marmot community can deliver and will be shown at the event.
- Alcohol – The Lower My Drinking app was launched in July 2021 and has seen over 1000 downloads since then. Future campaigns for the app will take place over this spring/summer, alcohol awareness week and Dry January in 2023.
- Workforce Development – Visit the Collaborative’s website to see updated webpages for this Programme, which have also been featured in Collaborate. As well as this, a monthly feature in Collaborate will explore key themes in workforce development and provide information about relevant training and courses for colleagues. February’s theme was Alcohol.