Key messages from the Directors of Public Health 28.01.22

The Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M) Directors of Public Health (DsPH) currently meet weekly. The key messages from the 28th January meeting are as follows:

  1. Marmot Community – The Marmot team joined DsPH to discuss the priorities that have emerged from the data analysis and local workshops. The team are close to providing their draft recommendations to DsPH for tackling health inequalities across C&M and the final report will be available in April.
  2. UKHSA COVID-19 update – Rates are plateauing but there is some variation across C&M. Cases are highest in 5-11 year olds and over 60s rates are coming down.
  3. UKHSA North West Health Protection Collaborative – A paper was circulated which outlines a proposed programme of work to enable a collaborative approach to building and strengthening the delivery of a high quality sustainable health protection system across the North West. DsPH will provide any comments on the paper by next Tuesday which will be fed back to colleagues at UKHSA North West.
  4. Good news and gratitude
    – The ‘Lower my drinking’ app, launched in July last year, has had 1000 downloads, 200 of which took place during the Dry January campaign. Thanks to all colleagues who have been involved.
    – Thanks were expressed to the Marmot Team and the local Marmot leads in each place for their work so far.
    –  Gratitude was expressed to the Champs Support Communications Team for the swift inclusion of a research opportunity in the recent edition of Collaborate. You can read the newsletter here.