The Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M) Directors of Public Health (DsPH) will move to fortnightly meetings from the end of April 2022 . The key messages from the 25th March and 1st April meetings are as follows:
- Visit by Chief Medical Officer – The DsPH warmly welcomed Professor Sir Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer, to their meeting on 25th March. The DsPH gave a short overview presentation on how they work as a Collaborative before a discussion was held around future working, health inequalities, step up/step down arrangements to deal with Covid and workforce development. Professor Whitty will return to a future DsPH meeting to discuss key areas in more detail.
- UKHSA Covid report – Case rates have increased by 10% in Cheshire and 8% in Merseyside and outbreaks are being seen in hospitals, prisons and care homes. In the future, a drop in case numbers is expected due to the reduction in testing. UKHSA is also working on a system of communicating with local areas regarding issues relating to the Ukraine/Russia conflict.
- Population health update – DsPH discussed the current formation of the Integrated Care System and the approach to CORE20PLUS5. They considered how the public health workforce can support effectively, given capacity challenges. A small task and finish group will be formed to work on a unified C&M prevention framework with representatives included from the Cancer Alliance and the CVD Network.
- Health Disparities White Paper – DsPH received a summary of their views from colleagues at OHID and approved the document as part of the consultation on the White Paper. DsPH again highlighted the importance of recognising the higher levels of health inequalities in the North West and the need to tackle the causes of ill-health such as poverty.
- Marmot report recommendations shared – DsPH reviewed a draft set of recommendations for each Place and for the C&M system. The recommendations were compiled following the engagement by the Marmot team at 9 local workshops and is a long list of priorities that can be prioritised to suit each Place. The recommendations will now be shared with the Marmot Advisory Board for their comments prior to its launch to the system at the forthcoming event on 26 May. To register for this event visit
- Good news and gratitude:
- Liverpool City Council have launched their public health annual report.
- The C&M approach to health protection training has been acknowledged as an excellent model at the regional Health Protection Collaborative.
- The suicide prevention board met last week and partners were congratulated on the excellent work on research and innovative approaches.
- The LGA ADPH conference was held which had good representation from C&M and a helpful session on health inequalities.
- St Helens Council has been shortlisted for the most improved council in the LGC awards 2022 and their alcohol and drugs service has been asked to input into the national strategy for their whole family approach.
- Thanks were given to the Marmot Leads in each of the nine Places and colleagues for compiling the draft report.
- The DsPH send their best wishes to Professor Dominic Harrison who retires from his role as DPH in Blackburn with Darwen
- DsPH would like to say thank you and good luck to Sarah O’Brien from the Health & Care Partnership as she takes up a new role as Chief Nurse in Cumbria and Lancashire.
- Finally a huge thank you to all local authority testing teams for their work during the last two years as testing is now stood down in its current form.