The Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M) Directors of Public Health (DsPH) currently meet weekly. The key messages from the 17th December meeting are as follows:
- UKHSA COVID-19 update – Case numbers are rising quickly across Cheshire & Merseyside of both the new variant, Omicron and the Delta variant. The 20-29 age bracket have seen the most infections so far but this will spread to other age groups over the coming weeks as people mix over Christmas. The doubling time for Omicron in the North West is now below two days. DsPH have developed a joint statement in response to the current Covid situation which can be read here.
- COVID-19 Testing strategy – DsPH discussed a paper from the Health & Care Partnership on testing and will input into the testing strategy that will be refreshed in the New Year.
- Population health – Funding will be available from the Health & Care Partnership for population health programmes and a submission, detailing the key priorities to be focused on, will be developed for 14th January.
- Good news and gratitude – DsPH would like to thank everyone who has supported the latest situation with Omicron over the last few weeks. After nearly two years of protecting the public’s health, teams and partners have again stepped up to respond to the current crisis. As we approach the Christmas holidays, DsPH would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2021.