The Cheshire and Merseyside (C&M) Directors of Public Health (DsPH) currently meet fortnightly. The key messages from the 8th July 2022 meeting are as follows:
- Suicide prevention update – Sue Forster and Neil Boardman presented an update on the C&M suicide prevention workstream including current data and forthcoming priorities. The new suicide prevention strategy will be launched at the Collaborative’s World Suicide Prevention Day event on 9th September. Registration details will be available shortly.
- Staff wellbeing assessment pilot – The DsPH agreed to support a wellbeing assessment pilot for the public health workforce following the pandemic. This will include mapping current mental wellbeing assessments and available support, as well as what is still needed. The learnings from the pilot will be shared widely to help inform other local authority teams and the NHS.
- UKHSA update – Monkeypox is still a priority with guidance being awaited on both pre and post exposure vaccines. There are more outbreaks of Covid in care homes and prisons. Vaccination still remains a priority as it is preventing serious illness and deaths.
- Updated CIPHA early warning report – Sarah Adams joined the DsPH to present a new early warning report for Covid which will replace the previous reports. This report will cover hospital admissions, cases/deaths and vaccination uptake. A new addition is staff absences by NHS Trusts. The DsPH thanked everyone involved in the development of this new report which will be very helpful going forward.
- Health protection papers – The DsPH reviewed three papers on health protection including UKHSA Covid scenario planning, staffing and an outline response to the Covid public inquiry.
- Good news and gratitude –
- Thanks to Ian Ashworth, DPH of Cheshire West and Chester for his leadership on population health and recent successful presentations to C&M partners.
- Halton Council has published its latest public health annual report and its health and wellbeing board received a paper on the Marmot programme of work which was well received.
- Thara Raj, DPH of Warrington, will be speaking at a national Money and Mental Health Policy Institute conference on mental health inequalities on 12th July.
- Wirral Council and Cheshire East Council presented their behavioural insights work at the recent LGA conference.
- Finally, huge congratulations to Dave Bradburn from Warrington who has successfully completed national Public Health Specialist Registration by portfolio route and Richard Holford who has secured a substantive consultant post at Knowsley. Well done.