Key messages from the Cheshire and Merseyside HCP Population Health Board 02.02.22

The Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Population Health Board meeting took place on 2nd February 2022.  The key messages from the latest Board meeting are as follows:

  1. Update on the Cheshire & Merseyside (C&M) Integrated Care System (ICS) (C&M Health and Care Partnership) – The new ICS will now be formed by 1 July 2022 and Graham Urwin is the Designate CEO. Graham is currently recruiting for his senior team including nine Place Directors who will focus on Population Health. Tackling inequalities and the Marmot Community work is still a key priority for the ICS. Sir Michael Marmot’s recent presentation of the C&M interim Marmot report to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) was very well received. A paper has been submitted to the ICB for transformational funding for population health for 2022/23. Keep up to date on the development of the ICS here.
  2. CIPHA update – A presentation was given to the Board on the latest developments with CIPHA. CIPHA provides real time data feeds from local NHS and Social Care providers along with national data sets to deliver actionable dashboards for the ICS. This year the developments have been around supporting the Covid response but it will be further developed with population health analytics to help services target certain population groups. The Board thanked Helen Duckworth and colleagues for their work developing CIPHA for population health.
  3. Health-related behaviours metrics –  An update was given around plans for a CIPHA dashboard covering CVD, stroke and respiratory diseases, expanded from just CVD due to shared prevention priorities across the three C&M clinical networks. A list of indicators have been prioritised and the draft CIPHA prevention metrics include smoking, obesity, physical activity, alcohol harm and NHS health checks. The dashboard was well received by the Board with the suggestion that it includes analysis for those with mental health conditions, levels of deprivation and people with learning disabilities where possible. Deprivation analysis was confirmed as standard and co-morbidities including mental health will be considered.
  4. C&M Prevention Framework – This framework will facilitate a joined up approach to prevention across ICS Transformation Programmes and clinical networks. A mapping exercise will take place to look at planned programmes and look for opportunities to collaborate.
  5. Marmot Community – The work to improve population health, address health inequalities and build back fairer continues following consultation with all nine Places and the publication of the Marmot interim report. The final Marmot report is due in May with a launch event and the nine Place plans will be available in June.
  6. CORE20PLUS5 – The Board was given an overview of the NHSE/I approach to reducing health inequalities. There is an opportunity to take part in the Connector’s programme which aims to develop and support community-based roles to impact on the goals of Core20PLUS5 by listening to the voices of those experiencing barriers to services and inequalities. It will focus on the 5 clinical areas of the Core20PLUS5, maternity, severe mental illness, chronic respiratory disease, early cancer diagnosis and hypertension. Over the coming months, C&M will establish a Core20PLUS5 infrastructure and plans to proceed with a future Core20PLUS5 bid application.
  7. NHS Prevention Pledge – The pledge has now been piloted in several local NHS Trusts and aims to embed prevention of ill health within core service delivery and environments. The pledge comprises of 14 core commitments for NHS Trusts, for example promoting workforce development and workforce wellbeing, embedding brief advice and making every contact count (MECC) across all services and promoting healthier lifestyles for patients and visitors. An independent evaluation took place in January 2022 by the Institute of Health Equity and the learnings are due at the end of March.
  8. Physical activity update – Active Cheshire and Merseyside Sports Partnership are working across C&M to develop a whole system approach to improving physical activity at scale. They aim to support 150,000 inactive people to become more active in areas of greatest need. Recruitment is underway for a sub-group of partners from across all disciplines to join together to lead this work. Following a period of consultation and Place based research, a physical activity strategy will be launched in August.
  9. Reducing harm from alcohol – A wide range of activity on this programme was shared including the delivery of education sessions to Alcohol Care Teams, expanding the current dashboard and integrating it with CIPHA and continuing the Lower my drinking app campaign which has seen over 1000 downloads since launch. The Citizen’s Inquiry on Alcohol report is now being finalised and the Community Engagement in Licensing project is developing well with a refreshed website and communications campaign being worked on for the pilot areas of Cheshire West and Chester and Liverpool.