How to have safe and effective wellbeing conversations – national training programme

  • Date 7th December 2022
  • Start time 1:30 pm
  • Finish time 5:00 pm
  • Venue/Location Online
Booking closed


The NHS People Plan sets out the ambition that every member of the NHS should have a health and wellbeing conversation with their line manager or a peer, and that as part of this conversation, line managers will be expected to discuss an individual’s health and wellbeing, and any flexible working requirements, as well as equality, diversity and inclusion.

The programme will support delegates to understand what a wellbeing conversation is, when it may be appropriate to initiate one and provide them with additional knowledge and skills to have safe and compassionate conversations about various aspects of wellbeing.  The programme will also advise how to safely signpost staff to additional support when needed, and offer an opportunity to practice a conversation in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space of the session.

The programme is initially aimed at line managers (of any profession, banding or grade), peers and colleagues working across the NHS in roles which have caring responsibilities for staff – for example clinical and educational supervisors, team leaders, members of staff networks, health and wellbeing champions or Wellbeing Guardians.