This webinar will be an excellent opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the Cheshire & Merseyside NO MORE Suicide Strategy five years on since its launch. It will also mark World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September and look to the future with hope as we move forward during COVID.
You will also hear from a variety of national and local speakers from organisations working to prevent suicide in our communities.
A full programme will be available shortly.
Who should attend?
Directors of Public Health, Health Care Partnership & CCG leads, NO MORE Suicide Partnership Board, people with lived experience, peer support groups, suicide prevention and bereavement charities, local suicide prevention groups, public health & intelligence leads school nurses, CAMHS and providers of children & young people’s services, first responders (police, ambulance, fire service), rail & road network partners
Click here to view presentations from the event
You can find videos from the event on the Champs Youtube channel