Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) Webinar

  • Date 20th January 2025
  • Start time 2:00 pm
  • Finish time 4:00 pm
  • Venue/Location Online (Microsoft Teams)
Booking closed

The purpose of this webinar is to raise awareness of the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT), including the Core20PLUS5 HEAT, and to learn about recent updates and improvements made to the tool and how it is used. This is a joint NHSE & OHID North West webinar chaired by Dr Andrew Furber, NW Regional Director of Public Health OHID, DHSC and NHSE.

Learning Objectives

  • To support the identification of health inequalities and to contribute to the reduction of health inequalities.
  • To understand the purpose and functionality of the HEAT and the Core20PLUS5 HEAT.
  • At the end of the webinar attendees will have an increased understanding of what the HEAT tool is, how it could be used in their workplace, the benefits it may deliver and how to learn more.


Time    Agenda Item    Owner
14:00 Welcome and Introductions Chair/All
14:15 Introduction to HEAT Steve Morton, Health Improvement Programme Manager, OHID NW
14:25 The HEAT Refresh & the Refreshed Tool Steve Morton
14:45 The Core20PLUS5 HEAT Simone Masri, Health Inequalities Programme Manager, NHSE NW
15:00 E-learning and Community of Practice Michelle Halfpenny, Health & Wellbeing Programme Manager, OHID NW
15:15 Utilising HEAT as part of procurement processes & performance management frameworks to address health inequalities George Lock, Public Health Lead, Sefton Council
15:30 Discussion / Q&A All
16:00 Close Chair

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