NHS England’s Health and Justice Inclusive Workforce Programme and Health Education England have been working collaboratively to help understand health and justice workforce challenges in the adult secure and detained and children and young people secure estates. With services reporting high vacancy rates and concerns about the fragility of the future supply of nurses and other roles working in the multidisciplinary teams.
To be able to respond to the challenges facing this health care workforce as a whole it is imperative to understand the composition of these multidisciplinary teams as well as the workforce challenges they face.
To gather this information Health Education England commissioned NHS Benchmarking to undertake a data collection exercise to map out the current roles and workforce make up within each prison healthcare, immigration removal centre estate and children and young people’s secure estate healthcare service.
This event will cover the headline findings of the benchmarking exercise, what these may mean for health and justice workforces. It will explain how to interpret the reports produced and there will be a discussion concerning how best to continue to use the collected data and findings.