OHID| Evidence Bites! Improving your evidence skills & confidence

  • Date March 2025
  • Venue/Location Online
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Evidence Bites! Is a series of bitesize sessions by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities to support your evidence skills. The 3 sessions will introduce you to top tips on accessing and appraising evidence as well as the range of support and resources available.

Session 1: 29th January 12.30 – 1.30pm – EVENT CLOSED
Introduction: UKHSA Knowledge & Library Services (KLS) gives you a whistle-stop tour of the services they offer to Local Authority Public Health staff. This session will provide an overview of services and resources available and how to access them.

To register please click here

Session 2: 12th February 12.30 – 1.30pm

Accessing evidence: In this session we shall share our librarian secrets, hacks, and top tips for accessing high quality & relevant evidence. Looking at preparing a search question; formulating a search strategy and searching for articles and grey literature.

To register please click here

Session 3: 5th March 12.30 – 1.30pm
Appraising evidence: There is now more evidence being produced than ever before – but how do you know that it is high quality and trustworthy? This session will be a guide to quickly and effectively appraising evidence relevant to your role. Includes using toolkits and resources you can print out & keep.

To register please click here

If you experience issues registering, please contact Jessica.baltruszis@dhsc.gov.uk