Led by Sir Michael Marmot and Rukshana Kapasi, Director of Health at Barnardo’s, this webinar will showcase the work of the Children and Young People’s Health Equity Collaborative (CHEC).
This is a three-year partnership programme between Barnardo’s, UCL’s Institute of Health Equity and three ICSs – Birmingham and Solihull, Cheshire and Merseyside and South Yorkshire. The programme is designed to shape the way ICSs address health inequalities among children and young people and has been in progress since January 2023. The Collaborative proposes a new approach to multi-systems working, with ICSs, charities, and academic partners working together on three different workstreams:
- The creation of the Children and Young People’s Health Equity framework to understand the drivers of health inequality for children and young people, informed by the insights of 300 children and young people on what health and health inequality means to them.
- A multi-agency data working group to collate data in each ICS to support the identification and monitoring of health inequalities.
- The development of three local interventions in each ICS area to combat health inequality at a community level.
In this webinar, you will have the opportunity to learn more about what the Collaborative has successfully achieved to date, and the ambitions of our programme to create a legacy of lasting change. Our webinar will include:
- Why focussing on child health equity today will be critical for children and young people’s health in the future.
- The Health Equity Framework and its development, and what health inequalities data exists for children and young people.
- How the ICSs have designed and are delivering pilot interventions to combat health inequality at a local level.
- How children and young people’s voices have been central to the work of the Collaborative.
- How the programme is being evaluated.
- How the programme is stimulating systems change in each ICS and its aspiration to leave a legacy of support for other ICSs who wish to undertake a similar journey.
There will be an opportunity to hear from the CYP Champions, interact with the ICS leads across the country to hear their learning and feedback on the proposed legacy products.