A campaign to encourage people to download the ‘Stay Alive’ suicide prevention app in Cheshire & Merseyside has proven to be successful in its endeavours to date. Figures to date show that there were 1957 new users of the app in Cheshire & Merseyside in the first 3 weeks of the campaign (October 26th – November 13th) compared to 107 new users in the 3 weeks prior.
The campaign which has used video and images of two case studies who have suffered with suicidal thoughts in the past – one from Cheshire and one from Merseyside, has been promoted through a paid for social media campaign using facebook, twitter and google ads as well as PR and partner organisation promotion.
Figures showing impressions, link clicks and click through rate for the social media campaign can be seen below:
The campaign has been featured in a number of local publications as seen below:
We would like to thank those partners who have promoted the campaign so far for their support and ask you to continue sharing this important message with people in your area. Together we can help to prevent suicide.