Building Bonds & Breaking Cycles’ Parent Infant Mental Health Training (Sefton)

  • Date 17th November 2022
  • Start time 10:00 am
  • Finish time 4:00 pm
  • Venue/Location Online
Booking closed

Building Bonds in conjunction with the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership are hosting a 2 day face to face parent and infant mental health training event for Sefton based family practitioners. The course is a specialist, therapeutic and reflective programme designed for practitioners who want to gain more specialist skills, insight & knowledge in the field of Parent Infant Mental Health (PIMH).

The course will help practitioners to feel more confident, knowledgeable & able to engage & build good relationships with vulnerable, ‘hard to reach families’. Practitioners will learn about PIMH assessments, interventions & the key tools & support which can be offered to help vulnerable parents separate out their difficulties from their relationship with their baby – preventing ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) for the infant & building strong bonds & breaking negative life cycles for generations to come.

The PIMH training will cover some of the key areas:

  • Overview & awareness of Parent Infant Mental Health.
  • Importance of bonding, attachment, engagement & supporting PIMH during ‘1001 critical days’
  • Attachment based assessments, Parent-Infant Interventions, models of therapeutic PIMH support for vulnerable families.
  • The Training will also provide a PIMH Toolkit for staff
  • Understanding need for integrated, partnership PIMH models which can support families to ‘break cycles
  • How practitioners can join the PIMH mission & integrate their knowledge, skills & insight into best practice to best support vulnerable parents & infants

Multiple dates and venues across Merseyside available:

17/11/22 &18/11/22 SEFTON (online)

21/11/22 & 24/11/22 LIVERPOOL (Litherland Family Wellbeing Centre)

01/12/22 & 02/12/22 KNOWSLEY (The Star Children’s Centre – Kirkby)

08/12/22 & 09/12/22 ST HELENS (Online)

15/12/22 & 16/12/22 LIVERPOOL (Church & Mossley Hill Children’s Centre – Garston)

05/01/23 & 06/01/23 WIRRAL (online)

12/01/22 & 13/01/22 SEFTON (Litherland Family Wellbeing Centre)

19/01/22 & 20/01/22 LIVERPOOL (NSPCC Great Homer Street)

09/02/22 & 10/02/22 WIRRAL (Online)

23/02/22 & 24/02/22 WIRRAL (online)

03/03/22 – 1 day training for criminal justice practitioners

10/03/22 – 1 day training for criminal justice practitioners